
What is this?

This website provides the location of open mics throughout the 5 boroughs of NYC. Using this website, you can find open mics based on the borough, day, time and most importantly, whether they are FREE.

Who built this?

OpenMYC was created by Kari Burt, a comedian from Houston that was trying to navigate the NYC open mic scene.

How can I support the app?

If you are enjoying the app, my Venmo and Cashapp are below. Money goes toward dev and maintanence. Toss me a couple bucks, and if you make it let me feature for you!

Some mics are missing!

This website is built based on what mics we know of. If you know of a mic that should be on the list feel free tosubmit a mic.We will try to keep the list as up-to-date as possible.

I have a different issue!

Any issues feel free to email: [email protected]

What is the technology stack?

OpenMYC is a fullstack application consisting of a NextJS frontend, Node.js backend, and a PostreSQL database. The entire stack was deployed on DigitalOcean.

Thank you for checking outfindopenmyc.com